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decision-making technique中文是什么意思

用"decision-making technique"造句"decision-making technique"怎么读"decision-making technique" in a sentence


  • 决策方法
  • 决策技术


  • Study on smart auxiliary decision - making techniques for post - earthquake emergency response of transportation systems
  • Investigation of quantitative , decision - making techniques available to management . topics include linear programming , integer programming , game theory , simulation , queuing theory , networking , project management , inventory control
  • Investigation of quantitative , decision - making techniques available to management . topics include linear programming , integer programming , game theory , simulation , queuing theory , networking , project management , and inventory control
  • And this article has also established the assessment model of shipping strategic targets with the analytic hierarchy process ( ahp ) , the phase - dividing model of shipping layout plan with fuzzy cluster analysis , the prediction model of economy and freight in long - term and medium - term with neural network , and the evaluation model of river shorelines with multi - objective decision - making techniques and fuzzy cluster analysis , and has studied these model " applications into planning of river shipping , replenishing and completing the methodology of inland water transportation
  • These research works refer to the theory and knowledge of civil engineering , transport engineering , macroeconomics , microeconomics , decision - making technique , quantitative economics and statistics . the following main achievements are useful for scientific and quantitative decision of china ' s hspgs proje ct : ( 1 ) on the theme of traffic demand market share of hspgs line . through analyzing the behaviors of passenger while they selecting travel model and the factors that impact their choice , a utility function to valuate the travel model is established , in which some important technical characteristics of travel model are for the first time introduced
    主要研究成果如下: ( 1 )在高速铁路客运市场份额研究方面,通过研究旅客对交通工具的选择行为,分析了影响旅客选择行为的经济、技术、心理和生理因素,首次将交通工具的多种技术特征引入效用函数中,建立了客运交通工具的效用评价理论;进而用多目标决策、数量经济学和统计学理论建立了交通工具市场份额分析模型。
  • This dissertation ' s main content includes : 1 . it analyzed the values of investment opportunities and managerial flexibilities and discussed the investment decision - making techniques and their excellence and shortcomings especially the limitations of the npv principle and pointed out that these limitations could be avoided by the application of the real options theory
    本文的主要内容有: 1分析企业投资的各种性质与投资机会和灵活性的价值,论述企业项目投资决策的一般分析方法及优缺点,着重讨论了净现值法的缺陷与不足,指出应用实物期权理论与方法可以弥补传统决策方法的不足。
用"decision-making technique"造句  
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